Partnership Co-Op Opportunities
Industry partnerships allow stakeholders from across the tourism sector to share knowledge and resources while working toward common goals. These partnerships form between tourism businesses, destination organizations, governments, and nonprofit entities. State of Washington Tourism (SWT) works closely with industry partners – currently, Madden Media, Datafy, Expedia, GreenRubino and Blue Room Research – to develop programs and incentives for tourism stakeholders across the state.
These opportunities are available to SWT’s member and partner organizations. Learn more about becoming a member or partner.
Marketing Co-Ops
Marketing co-ops are available for SWT’s partners. These marketing co-ops subsidize the cost of marketing programs and align said programs with statewide efforts. These cooperatives allow tourism stakeholders to maximize their resources and budgets to reach new travelers.
Madden Media
SWT will partner with Madden Media on co-ops including photo and video shoot, marketing stack campaigns, search engine optimization (SEO) support, and content development. View the rate card for details and pricing on each program. Contact Whitney Coleman at wcoleman@maddenmedia.com for more details or to sign up.
Co-Op Campaigns from Expedia Group™ Media Solutions combines display advertising with custom landing pages to enable multiple advertisers to extend their marketing spend together, while still aligning with marketing budgets and business objectives. SWT will offer spring and fall co-op campaigns to reach high probability travelers to Washington. View more details on the program one-sheet, or sign up for co-ops here.
Content Creator Co-Ops
In partnership with GreenRubino, SWT will offer up content creator co-ops, developing strategic partnerships with key creators and developing assets for both partner and SWT use. Potential creators will be shared with media contacts throughout 2024, stay tuned for more details.
Blue Room Research
A new pilot co-op, SWT will partner with Blue Room Research, whose mission is to get destinations the data they need, analyze the data they already have, make better strategic decisions, and bridge the gap between data and action.
Datafy Research Co-Op

SWT offers a research co-op to its partners through Datafy, which tracks visitors based on points of interest, mobile geolocation, and credit card data. Analytics from these data points can help tourism professionals guide marketing strategy, measure results, and optimize profits. Washington destinations who are SWT partners qualify for a 20% discount on Datafy dashboards. Rural communities, defined as cities with a population under 20,000 or counties with a population under 100,000 residents, qualify for an additional 30% subsidy from SWT.